Bright Breaks is Coming to University of California San Diego!

Join the waitlist and be among the first to gain access to your new source of well-being support.

250+ Live Bright Breaks Each Week

Something for Everyone

Bright Breaks offers optimal accessibility for teams in different locations or time zones. Our 300+ weekly breaks are spread throughout the day so employees can easily fit them into their schedules.

Comfortable Being You

Plus, there’s no need to change into workout gear or even turn on your camera—users can take Bright Breaks right at their desk.

Incentives to Get You Moving

Best of all? Your team has a chance to win awesome prizes just by showing up and improving their wellbeing.

Bright Breaks for Every Interest

P.S. There’s an on-demand library too

The wellness doesn’t stop when the breaks are over: Users across the globe get full
access to our library of on-demand content, so they can revisit their favorite breaks
whenever and wherever they want.

Read what members are saying

Bright Breaks helped me to relax and release myself from work, even if it was just 7 minutes. I felt more refreshed to finish off my day. It also made me feel more accomplished for getting another thing crossed off my list.
Tamara A.
We have heard from many employees about the difference they feel mentally and physically with just adding a few Bright Breaks breaks throughout the day or week.
Jen Paterno
Learning and Development Specialist
Big Viking Games
NEW! Bring some sole to your summer with a workplace Step Challenge. Learn More
NEW! Bring some sole to your summer with a workplace Step Challenge. Learn More
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