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Actual feedback from real people

Pandas after discovering Bright Breaks

Big Viking Games showing love
Bright Breaks reviews on G2
“Bright Breaks is a wellness game changer!”
“Amazing platform, super easy to use and people LOVE it”
“Fell in love the first week i started my new job!”
“Bright Breaks Changed My Life!!”
“Supports you through the day”
What do you like best about Bright Breaks? Bright Breaks have become a regular part of my day. Whether it be to give me an energy boost at the beginning or part way through, or to clear and reset my mind to be able to focus on my tasks, or just I feel like I need a good stretch. There is a Bright Break for everything and I love it. Best of all, if your schedule doesn't allow you to join a live class, you can select from the hundreds of videos available on demand, so it is ready to go when you are. 100% recommend to everyone.
What problems is Bright Breaks solving and how is that benefiting you? Bright Breaks has helped me ensure I am refreshed and revitalised to be able to stay focused on my working day without the level of stress I had before. I encourage my work colleagues to use Bright Breaks as a way to destress, stretch, as we are all in predominantly sedentary roles sitting at a computer screen all day, and reset our focus, mind and body for completing our day.
I want to give a quick shoutout to Bright Breaks, which has been getting me moving throughout the workday in 7-minute breaks.
While I love being able to work from home, I know that I move around less than I did when I worked in an office (no more needing to walk to meeting rooms or out to get lunch). I can easily sit at my desk for hours, going from meeting to meeting to project hyperfocus to meeting.
These super accessible and engaging live sessions with genuinely lovely people give my mind and body more focus, energy, and all-around fun! Plus, being recognised and greeted by name gives a certain level of accountability that a normal fitness app wouldn’t.
I really hope more companies sign up for Bright so the company can grow and brighten more people’s workdays! (And maybe expand to offer EMEA-morning sessions…)
#workfromhome #selfcare #wellness

How taking “Bright Breaks” helped me
Owais tries a new online platform that promotes self-care and health.
The most impactful aspect of Bright Breaks for me has been its focus on nutrition and meal prep. Like many students, I often struggle to maintain a healthy diet while juggling a busy schedule and limited cooking skills (somehow burning plain rice.)