
How to Implement a Wellness Program at Work

A common myth is that employees will naturally engage with a wellness program if it’s valuable and relevant to them. But we’ve found the reason that many wellness programs fail is because they aren’t rolled out and implemented strategically across

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Why Leaders Need to Promote Workplace Breaks

Have you taken a break today? We’re talking about an “active recovery” break from work that helps you recharge, realign, and refresh your body and mind. A break that’s worth taking. A break with ROI. If you haven’t taken a

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The Hidden Cost of Employee Stress—and How to Reduce It

Employee stress is costing us trillions of dollars. Widespread mental health challenges and low engagement result in a slew of negative consequences for individuals and the companies they work for: burnout, absenteeism, lower job performance, higher healthcare costs, higher turnover

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Ready to try Bright Breaks with your team?

Join the movement to truly prioritize employee wellness.

For HR Leaders

An affordable, engaging platform
for improving employee wellness

For Employees

Finally — permission, accountability, and the
tools to take regular breaks for your health

Learn more about the science behind breaks

NEW! Bring some sole to your summer with a workplace Step Challenge. Learn More
NEW! Bring some sole to your summer with a workplace Step Challenge. Learn More
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